
Key Documents

20 Miles More

20 Miles More Report, A Counterproposal for Liverpool and HS2

Town & Country Planning Association Papers

Hall, Thrower & Wray: High Speed North, TCPA

Chape & Wray: Closing the Gap: The case for two English Super-cities

Liverpool City Region Official Consultation Response

Demand and appraisal report
Enc. 1 for The Liverpool City Region Response to the HS2 Consultation
Enc. 2 for The Liverpool City Region Response to the HS2 Consultation

HS2 Limited and Department for Transport

LCR position on HS2
Higgins Report Launch speech
Higgins Report Supporting Slides
HS2 Integrating our cities
HS2 phase two command paper
S&A 1 Economic case
Strategic Case
Rebalancing Britain – From HS2 towards a national transport strategy
Transport Constraints and Opportunities in the North of England